=== Jetpack by WordPress.com === Contributors: automattic, apeatling, beaulebens, hugobaeta, joen, mdawaffe, andy, designsimply, hew, westi, eoigal, tmoorewp Tags: WordPress.com, statistics, stats, views, tweets, twitter, widget, gravatar, hovercards, profile, equations, latex, math, maths, youtube, shortcode, archives, audio, blip, bliptv, dailymotion, digg, flickr, googlevideo, google, googlemaps, kyte, kytetv, livevideo, redlasso, rockyou, rss, scribd, slide, slideshare, soundcloud, vimeo, shortlinks, wp.me, subscriptions Requires at least: 3.2 Tested up to: 3.4 Stable tag: 1.3.4 Supercharge your WordPress site with powerful features previously only available to WordPress.com users. == Description == [Jetpack](http://jetpack.me/) is a WordPress plugin that supercharges your self-hosted WordPress site with the awesome cloud power of WordPress.com. For more information, check out [Jetpack.me](http://jetpack.me/). Features include: * Simple, concise stats with no additional load on your server. Previously provided by [WordPress.com Stats](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/stats/). * Email subscriptions for your blog's posts and your post's comments. * The [WP.me URL shortener](http://wp.me/sf2B5-shorten). * Hovercard popups for your commenters via [Gravatar](http://gravatar.com/). * Easily embedded media from popular sites like YouTube, Digg, and Vimeo. * For the Math geeks, a simple way to include beautiful mathematical expressions on your site. * A widget for displaying recent tweets. Previously provided by [Wickett Twitter Widget](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wickett-twitter-widget/) * Your readers can easily share your posts via email or their favorite social networks. Previously provided by the [Sharedaddy](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/sharedaddy/) WordPress plugin. * Your writing will improve thanks to After the Deadline, an artificial intelligence based spell, style, and grammar checker. Previously provided by the [After the Deadline](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/after-the-deadline/) WordPress plugin. * and *many* more to come! Note: The stats portion of Jetpack uses Quantcast to enhance its data. == Installation == 1. Install Jetpack either via the WordPress.org plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server 2. After activating Jetpack by WordPress.com, you will be asked to connect to WordPress.com to enable the Jetpack features. 3. Click the connect button and log in to a WordPress.com account to authorize the Jetpack connection. 4. If you don't yet have a WordPress.com account, you can quickly create one after clicking the connect button. 5. That's it. You're ready to go! == Frequently Asked Questions == = I already have a WordPress account, but it's not working, what's going on? = Jetpack requires a connection to [WordPress.com](http://wordpress.com/) to enable all features. This is a different account than the one you use to log into your self-hosted WordPress. If you can log into http://wordpress.com, then you already have a WordPress.com account. If you can't, then you can easily create one as part of the installation of Jetpack. = How do I view my stats? = Once you've installed Jetpack, your stats will be available via the "Site Stats" menu which appears in the new Jetpack menu (under your Dashboard menu within WordPress). = How do I embed media? = Use [shortcodes](http://support.wordpress.com/shortcodes/) to embed your media. Currently, Jetpack provides the following shortcodes. * [[archives]](http://support.wordpress.com/archives-shortcode/) * [[audio]](http://support.wordpress.com/audio/) * [[blip.tv]](http://support.wordpress.com/videos/bliptv/) * [[dailymotion]](http://support.wordpress.com/videos/dailymotion/) * [[digg]](http://support.wordpress.com/digg/) * [[flickr]](http://support.wordpress.com/videos/flickr-video/) * [[googlevideo]](http://support.wordpress.com/videos/google-video/) * [[polldaddy]](http://support.polldaddy.com/wordpress-shortcodes/) * [[scribd]](http://support.wordpress.com/scribd/) * [[slide]](http://support.wordpress.com/slideshows/slide/) * [[slideshare]](http://support.wordpress.com/slideshows/slideshare/) * [[soundcloud]](http://support.wordpress.com/audio/soundcloud-audio-player/) * [[vimeo]](http://support.wordpress.com/videos/vimeo/) * [[youtube]](http://support.wordpress.com/videos/youtube/) * [[googlemaps]](http://en.support.wordpress.com/google-maps/) == Screenshots == 1. Stats chart. 2. Sharing buttons. 3. Subscriptions widget. 4. Gravatar Hovercards settings. 5. Spelling and Grammar demo. == Changelog == = 1.3.4 = * Bug Fix: Revert changes to the top level menu that are causing problems. = 1.3.3 = * Bug Fix: Fix notices caused by last update = 1.3.2 = * Bug Fix: Fix Jetpack menu so that Akismet and VaultPress submenus show up. = 1.3.1 = * Enhancement: Add a new widget, the Facebook Likebox * Bug Fix: Sharing: Sharing buttons can now be used on custom post types. * Bug Fix: Contact Forms: Make Contact Forms widget shortcode less aggressive about the shortcodes it converts. * Bug Fix: Ensure contact forms are parsed correctly in text widgets. * Bug Fix: Connection notices now only appear on the Dashboard and plugin page. * Bug Fix: Connection notices are now dismissable if Jetpack is not network activated. * Bug Fix: Subscriptions: Fix an issue that was causing errors with new BuddyPress forum posts. = 1.3 = * Enhancement: Add Contact Forms feature. Formerly Grunion Contact Forms. * Bug Fix: Tweak YouTube autoembedder to catch more YouTube URLs. * Bug Fix: Correctly load the Sharing CSS files. = 1.2.4 = * Bug Fix: Fix rare bug with static front pages = 1.2.3 = * Enhancement: Twitter Widget: Expand t.co URLs * Bug Fix: Various PHP Notices. * Bug Fix: WordPress Deprecated `add_contextual_help()` notices * Bug Fix: Don't display unimportant DB errors when processing Jetpack nonces * Bug Fix: Correctly sync data during certain MultiSite cases. * Bug Fix: Stats: Allow sparkline img to load even when there is a DB upgrade. * Bug Fix: Stats: Replace "loading title" with post title regardless of type and status. * Bug Fix: Stats: Avoid edge case infinite redirect for `show_on_front=page` sites where the `home_url()` conatins uppercase letters. * Bug Fix: Subscriptions: Don't send subscriptions if the feature is turned off in Jetpack. * Bug Fix: Subscriptions: Fix pagination of subscribers. * Bug Fix: Subscriptions: Sync data about categories/tags as well to improve subscription emails. * Bug Fix: Subscriptions: Better styling for the subscription success message. * Bug Fix: Shortcodes: Support for multiple Google Maps in one post. Support for all Google Maps URLs. * Bug Fix: Shortcodes: Improved support for youtu.be URLs * Bug Fix: Shortcodes: Improved Vimeo embeds. * Bug Fix: Sharing: Switch to the 20px version of Google's +1 button for consistency. * Bug Fix: Sharing: Fix Google +1 button HTML validation issues. * Bug Fix: Sharing: Disable sharing buttons during preview. * Bug Fix: Spelling and Grammar: Properly handle proofreading settings. * Bug Fix: Spelling and Grammar: Don't prevent post save when proofreading service is unavailable. = 1.2.2 = * Bug Fix: Ensure expected modules get reactivated correctly during upgrade. * Bug Fix: Don't send subscription request during spam comment submission. * Bug Fix: Increased theme compatibility for subscriptions. * Bug Fix: Remove reference to unused background image. = 1.2.1 = * Bug Fix: Ensure Site Stats menu item is accessible. * Bug Fix: Fixed errors displayed during some upgrades. * Bug Fix: Fix inaccurate new modules "bubble" in menu for some upgrades. * Bug Fix: Fix VaultPress detection. * Bug Fix: Fix link to http://jetpack.me/faq/ = 1.2 = * Enhancement: Add Subscriptions: Subscribe to site's posts and posts' comments. * Enhancement: Add Google Maps shortcode. * Enhancement: Add Image Widget. * Enhancement: Add RSS Links Widget. * Enhancement: Stats: More responsive stats dashboard. * Enhancement: Shortcodes: Google Maps, VideoPress * Enhancement: Sharing: Google+, LinkedIn * Enhancement: Enhanced Distribution: Added Jetpack blogs to http://en.wordpress.com/firehose/ * Bug Fix: Spelling and Grammar: WordPress 3.3 compatibility. * Bug Fix: Translatable module names/descriptinos. * Bug Fix: Correctly detect host's ability to make outgoing HTTPS requests. = 1.1.3 = * Bug Fix: Increase compatibility with WordPress 3.2's new `wp_remote_request()` API. * Bug Fix: Increase compatibility with Admin Bar. * Bug Fix: Stats: Improved performance when creating new posts. * Bug Fix: Twitter Widget: Fix PHP Notice. * Bug Fix: Sharedaddy: Fix PHP Warning. * Enhancement: AtD: Add spellcheck button to Distraction Free Writing screen. * Translations: Added: Bosnian, Danish, German, Finnish, Galician, Croatian, Indonesian, Macedonian, Norwegian (Bokmål), Russian, Slovak, Serbian, Swedish * Translations: Updated: Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Portuguese = 1.1.2 = * Bug Fix: Note, store, and keep fresh the time difference between the Jetpack site's host and the Jetpack servers at WordPress.com. Should fix all "timestamp is too old" errors. * Bug Fix: Improve experience on hosts capable of making outgoing HTTPS requests but incapable of verifying SSL certificates. Fixes some "register_http_request_failed", "error setting certificate verify locations", and "error:14090086:lib(20):func(144):reason(134)" errors. * Bug Fix: Better fallback when WordPress.com is experiencing problems. * Bug Fix: It's Jetpack, not JetPack :) * Bug Fix: Remove PHP Warnings/Notices. * Bug Fix: AtD: JS based XSS bug. Props markjaquith. * Bug Fix: AtD: Prevent stored configuration options from becoming corrupted. * Bug Fix: Stats: Prevent missing old stats for some blogs. * Bug Fix: Twitter Widget: Fix formatting of dates/times in PHP4. * Bug Fix: Twitter Widget: Cache the response from Twitter to prevent "Twitter did not respond. Please wait a few minutes and refresh this page." errors. * Enhancement: Slightly improved RTL experience. Jetpack 1.2 should include a much better fix. * Enhancement: Sharedaddy: Improve localization for Facebook Like button. * Enhancement: Gravatar Hovercards: Improved experience for Windows browsers. = 1.1.1 = * Bug Fix: Improve experience on hosts capable of making outgoing HTTPS requests but incapable of verifying SSL certificates. Fixes most "Your Jetpack has a glitch. Connecting this site with WordPress.com is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost)." errors. * Bug Fix: Sharedaddy: Fatal error under PHP4. Disable on PHP4 hosts. * Bug Fix: Stats: Fatal error under PHP4. Rewrite to be PHP4 compatible. * Bug Fix: Stats: Fatal error on some sites modifying/removing core WordPress user roles. Add sanity check. * Bug Fix: Stats: Replace debug output with error message in dashboard widget. * Bug Fix: Stats: Rework hook priorities so that stats views are always counted even if a plugin (such as Paginated Comments) bails early on template_redirect. * Bug Fix: Identify the module that connot be activated to fatal error during single module activation. * Bug Fix: `glob()` is not always available. Use `opendir()`, `readdir()`, `closedir()`. * Bug Fix: Send permalink options to Stats Server for improved per post permalink calculation. * Bug Fix: Do not hide Screen Options and Help links during Jetpack call to connect. * Bug Fix: Improve readablitiy of text. * Bug Fix: AtD: Correctly store/display options. * Enhancement: Output more informative error messages. * Enhancement: Improve CSS styling. * Enhancement: Stats: Query all post types and statuses when getting posts for stats reports. * Enhancement: Improve performance of LaTeX URLs be using cookieless CDN. = 1.1 = * Initial release